
Contact Us

  • Phone: (858) 461-8329
  • Email:
  • Meeting Address:
    3950 Berino Court, San Diego, CA 92122
  • Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 927154
    San Diego, CA 92192-7154

Service Times

  • Sundays: 10:00am

About Us

Temple. Church. Synagogue. Mosque.

These words bring up various images and memories for each of us. For some, visions of significant moments of love and transformation are brought up. For others, memories of a childhood ritual that has since been left behind. For others still, no memories exist to draw from.

Wherever you may be on the spiritual journey, we invite you to explore life, God and friendship with us. We look forward to getting connected with you soon!

What Does "Ethnos" Mean?

Ethnos is a Greek word used in the original manuscripts of the Bible. It is typically translated "nation," but does not refer to geo-political nations. Rather, it refers to specific cultural-lingual people groups. It is used in key passages in the Bible that talk about how God has a great desire and plan to bless all people, e.g., Genesis 12:3;  Galatians 3:8; Matthew 28:19. We have chosen this name for ourselves to identify with this desire and plan.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

~Matthew 28:19 (NIV)