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Ethnos Vision Blog

Transitions: What I think about Tim

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Some people have asked me the question point blank, "what do you think about Tim?"  I get it: transitions are tough, and it's hard to have to trust and develop a new relationship with someone, especially someone you hope to entrust your heart with regarding your spiritual journey. So let me just say it here, in a rather public manner, that I trust Tim.  Here are at least two reasons why:

1. Character: There's something about the way Tim thinks, makes decisions, and acts where it all comes from a good, true, and honest place. To put it differently, I can't imagine Tim acting or leading or church out of a place of hurt, deception, selfish gain, and un-love. I say this having walked with him through plenty of life situations- personal and ministry related. His heart is in the right place.  And I think it needs to be said: we can't take character for granted- it is the foundation for leadership with Jesus.  I trust Tim because I trust his character.

2. Competency: Let's be clear- Tim is different from me. He doesn't do things like me; he at times doesn't even do what I do as a pastor.  That is perfectly normal and expected when all is said and done- we are different people after all! The question then becomes- well, what is Tim good at, what are his strengths and gifts?  Two things I want to say here:

a) Strategic Thinking: Tim is good at knowing a situation and understanding how to best grow through the situation.  Part of this comes from his experiences in churches in Germany and Hong Kong (note: they were larger churches than Ethnos, which was important for us as we brought Tim on our team because we believed God was calling us to grow and reach more people in SD), part of this is form simply how God has wired him.  This is crucial as we make some deeper moves in seeing God's work in University City.

b) Team Building: Tim is great at bringing people in, empowering them, encouraging them, and letting them lead from there. I do it a little differently from Tim (given my "apostolic" gift set); I think Tim's way of doing it is the way of the future for Ethnos SD.

There's more to say for sure- perhaps we can talk about it in another blog post. Suffice to say here that I am excited for our next season in San Diego, and I am excited that Tim is here to guide our team!


Prayer Points:

Pray that Ethnos SD, and the UC community, can grow in relationship and trust with Tim, Scott, and the rest of the Staff Team.

Pray for God's to protect us and the unity He wants for us in this transition.

