Contact Us
- Phone: (858) 461-8329
- Email:
- Meeting Address:
3950 Berino Court, San Diego, CA 92122 - Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 927154
San Diego, CA 92192-7154
Service Times
- Sundays: 10:00am
Community Groups (CG) are the main place where we try to live out our faith. They are the place where we care for each other and work through the truths and struggles of life; a place where we challenge each other to live our mission - to love, grow, serve and witness; a place where everyone matters and everyone is needed.
The purpose of community groups is to live out our mission of love, growth, service and witness in tangible ways through:
Laughter, Sorrow
Community Groups are the main gatherings where relationships are developed. Some relationships take longer, others shorter. Whatever the pace, if God is present, soon enough the ability to both laugh and cry comes. It's a beautiful place. Typically up to half the time is devoted to developing relationships over food, prayer, sharing.
Each group goes through material from the Bible, a Christian book or other curriculum to stimulate spiritual growth. Typically each group decides together what topics they need and are interested in, and the course is determined from there. Periodically, the entire church will cover the same material.
All of us are called to be on mission with Jesus in touching and healing this world. Community Groups offer a place to talk, pray and do that together. Groups in the past have hosted parties for their apartment complexes, built houses with Habitat for Humanity and prayed for each others' friends and co-workers.
Community Groups typically run between 2-3 hours. See below for current opportunities! All CGs are meeting online unless otherwise noted.
Contact us for more information, directions, or rides.